Illness and Fatigue

For the statistically insignificant number of readers who have wasted precious moments of their lives reading the hackneyed crap I write on (Hi Mum! Hi Herajasa!), I wish to inform you that I am officially hanging up my index finger (from typing duties, that is - It shall remain on duty in its other more essential roles such as nostril probing). The principal motivation for my decision is the recent onset of illness and fatigue - I am sick and tired of pissing into the wind. All I get is soggy trousers. And, in any case, satire has been killed off by reality. Ben.


Herajasa said…
I can relate.
Stuck in the doldrums of mid-(early?) winter on my side of the world, where it is currently all of two degrees F, doesn't help my attitude.
Still, leave this house unlocked. I like to visit.